Just the Tips

Using any ✨device✨ to work on the pelvic floor muscles can be scary as you start. You don’t know what it should feel like or what to do and you likely already have discomfort. If I tell someone that wands or dilators would be helpful, I ask them to bring it in to practice during a pelvic PT session, before they try it on their own. I give them a “map” of the pelvic muscles and highlight where they have tension and where we typically work in PT so that they have a better understanding of their goals at home.

Here are my tips for first time dilator or wand users:

1️⃣ Find the position that works best for you. Typically I think it’s on your back in a butterfly position with your knees supported by pillows.

2️⃣ Set up a peaceful environment. Put on calm music and low lights. You want to be able to relax. Lock the door so there’s no fear of someone bursting in and startling you.

3️⃣ Start with gentle pressure. It’s typically suggested to use the pressure you could apply to a tomato without breaking it.

4️⃣ Start with less time and build up. I’m talking five minutes. Technically research says 90- 120seconds per spot.

5️⃣ You may be sore and that’s not uncommon. In an ideal world you’d stretch and take a bath or shower after.

6️⃣ Don’t forget the lubricant! Depending on your device you may need a certain kind of lubricant. For example, silicone based tools cannot be used with silicone based lubricant so you’d want to use oil or water based. If you think an activity is going to go on for a moderate amount of time you may want to use an oil based lubricant.

7️⃣ And breathe. Take your time and do calm deep and slow breaths.

Questions? I’d love to do a phone consultation! Set it up here!


Lubricant Facts!


Oh Nuts!