What is the Actual Definition of Constipation?

Technically, constipation (for adults) is defined as having 2 or more of these a week, for at least 3 months:

•pooping <3x a week

•straining during bowel movements

•having hard/ dry/ lumpy bowel movements (BSS 1-2)

•not feeling empty after a bowel movement

•feeling of blockage in the anal region after a bowel movement

•having to manually assist a bowel movement

+AND loose stools (BSS 6-7) are rarely present without the use of laxatives

Check back at this post to see a picture of the Bristol Stool Scale (BSS).

It’s often difficult to diagnose, because it can present differently and is often based on what people perceive is “normal”. It CAN include large hard stools, but it doesn’t always. It CAN mean you have to push hard and bare down, but not always. This may be surprising, but some people have many of the above symptoms but also have loose bowel movements so they may not realize they have constipation. It’s tricky. Constipation is more of a symptom that something else is going on rather than a disease.

So who gets it? Simply put: ANYONE. The most recent study I found said about 27% of people in the US are affected by constipation. 

•women > men

•people that are pregnant

•people that are older are more likely to get it (research shows it is 33% more likely to occur in people over the age of 60).

Though it is common, I don’t want you to settle for living with constipation. If you think this may apply to you, reach out. Pelvic PT can help!


3 Types of Constipation


What Does Your Poop Mean?