Pelvic Wands

Pelvic wands can be used to work on the superficial or deeper muscles of the pelvic floor. The wand I typically suggest (Intimate Rose) has two ends and can be used in either the vagina or rectum. These allow you to perform trigger point release to lengthen tight or overactive pelvic muscles.

I typically suggest these to people for pelvic pain but they are also a great tool to utilize when performing perineal massage.

There are many different brands but I like Intimate Rose because I like that it has two ends and therefore you can use it to work on the more anterior or posterior pelvic muscles. I like the different lengths because it allows you to get to different depths. This brand specifically also has wands that can vibrate which helps alleviate pain and loosen muscle due to the affect on the nerves at the spinal cord level or you can adjust the temperature of (by putting it in warm water or putting it in the fridge) which can feel better to muscles in pain.

Have you ever heard of these magical things? Ever used one? What advice would you give someone new to using them?

If you have pain with intimacy schedule a free phone consult!


Oh Nuts!


Pelvic Dilators