Exercising While Pregnant

I am extremely passionate about education. Education of my patients & their providers. Recently a patient of mine was told she couldn’t lift more than 10pounds while pregnant. Woooo I was angry. Not only is that inaccurate based on ACOG or AMA guidelines but it really was not a statement based on this patient’s past or current activity level. You are not fragile simply because you are pregnant.

There are situations in which people should limit their lifting and activity, but we can be specific with our guidelines and this can be addressed on a case by case basis. Generally, if someone is healthy and has been active prior to pregnancy, they can continue with their current activity/movement until it doesn’t serve them.

People can do planks while pregnant. People can do Pilates while pregnant. People can lift while pregnant. These are good things. And if they’re not appropriate movements for that individual, a PT can help appropriately modify the activity.

Just some of the benefits of exercise during pregnancy:

💪🏼Increases strength & can decrease pregnancy aches and pains

💪🏼Maintains mobility for a better labor and birth.

💪🏼Makes recovery from birth easier.

💪🏼May decrease risk of gestational diabetes, preeclampsia, & C-section.

💪🏼Increases blood flow to pregnant person & fetus.

Things to look out for (from ACOG):


❌Feeling dizzy or faint

❌Shortness of breath (before starting exercise)

❌Chest pain


❌Calf pain or swelling

❌Regular, painful contractions of the uterus

❌Fluid leaking from the vagina

**this is not medical advice😘**

Were you told to stop lifting while pregnant? Told to stop an activity? Tell me about it!


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